These Are Our Kids: A Podcast for JDAIconnect
These Are Our Kids: A Podcast for JDAIconnect
Jim Payne
Welcome to Episode 5 of These Are Our Kids: A Podcast for JDAIconnect.
We sat down with James Payne in Miami at the State Scale Convening in December 2018. Jim is a fascinating man with a ton of experience. He talked about his time as a prosecutor in New York City and his evolution in thinking about how to effectively work with young people. Jim also discussed his thoughts about the future efforts of JDAI. Here is some more information about the various topics that we chatted about:
Jim doesn’t have a large social media presence. You won’t find him on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. He is on JDAIconnect! We should have thought to capture a photo of him from our recording in Miami – something to keep in mind for Season 2. Here's a photos of the "softer" side of Jim at the 2017 JDAI Inter-site National Conference.
We hope you enjoy Episode 5.